Some Beauty in Kinshasa, DR Congo
Here are some pictures of the beauty of the Congo. I haven't any clue what any of these flowers are named....but they are really amazing in color. The top center flower is a flower growing from a tree...the right and left top are huge roots from a tree in one of the yards here at TASOK. The lower pictures of the flowers grow all around the grounds here at the school. The Congo is really special in its ability to grow pretty much everything (except grapes!), they say that here in the Congo...all you need to do is take a plant and put it into the ground and it will grow, but here in Kinshasa....all you have to do is take any plant and lay it on the ground and it will grow. Apparently, when the rainy season comes, it turns absolutely beautiful and everywhere and everyone I have talked to says it becomes an absolute feast for your eyes!