Praying for the Congolese National Soccer Team
The National Team of DR. Congo have once again visited our campus to prepare for some up-coming matches. They played Congo, Brazzaville and lost 2-1. Then yesterday they played Ethiopia once again in the African Cup competition and lost 1-0. Next week the team plays the Argentina Olympic Team. After the 2 practices they had here at TASOK the team called me over to pray for them. It was awesome! Two of the team members were the interpreters for
me....I could tell they were really with me as I prayed as were most of the team (including coaches!!) I think its been such a cool opportunity for me to rub shoulders with these guys and get to know some of them. I am having a dinner for 3 of the coaches next week (Tuesday) so pray that it will be a great time for us to draw closer and establish a great connection. I'm very excited about this chance to hang with these men.