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Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Steve is good

I talked to Steve this morning, and he sounds good. They cancelled school today, but he said he feels safe. The school is near Kibula's headquarters so that's why it is noisy where he lives.
Below is something Naomi sent that encouraged me this morning...I thought we could all glean from it. So true, enjoy!

Thought of you this morning when I was reading in my one-year Bible .... I'm in Job right now and at the end of the reading, John McArthur had a short note on the subject of why God doesn't answer all of Job's (and our) questions.

He uses the illustration of a little girl jumping off some steps into her daddy's arms .... she asks, will you catch me? he says, yes I will, and then she may jump or there may be endless versions of the first question. If she does jump, it will be more because of whom she knows her father to be than because of his answer to one of her questions. The fact that she jumps is not because she has run out of fears or questions, but because her trust is greater than her fears or questions.

So .... Grace heads for the Congo on Sept. 5, not because she has run out of fears or questions, but because her trust is greater than her fears or questions.... and she knows who her Father is!!




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